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Civil service in a sentence

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Sentence count:170+1Posted:2017-03-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: social servicesserviceservicesmilitary serviceservilecivilciviccivilianMeaning: n. government workers; usually hired on the basis of competitive examinations. 
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121. In January cuts had been implemented in the civil service to reduce the public-sector wage bill.
122. The civil service found itself penetrated and politicized in the mid-1980s in a manner unknown since the days of Lloyd George.
123. The Civil Service Commission needs to be independent of the Council and this proposal would go in the opposite direction.
124. Texas has managed to survive without a civil service system all along.
125. We will encourage the wider use of performance pay inside the Civil Service and in other parts of the public service.
126. No wonder; in her entire career in the Civil Service she has never typed out anything remotely like it.
127. In 1992 structural reforms to limit spending would include reform of the civil service.
128. Later, Daley would shrink civil service and expand the patronage army.
129. Scandals have proliferated in business and banking, and have tainted the civil service and the judiciary.
130. In the civil service, the relationship between the civil servant and the politician is partly governed by the need for confidentiality.
131. Civil Service forced no less than 16 penalty corners during the game but were unable to cash in.
132. These three, but particularly the Compendium, became the basis of all civil service examinations.
133. There will be no sabotage of the civil service program during my administration.
134. The prefects of the overseas departments were instructed to negotiate the proposed reforms with local civil service unions and political parties.
135. The civil service unions chose this moment to strike for better pay.
136. Bureaucratic governments can do none of these things easily,(Sentence dictionary) thanks to their civil service regulations and tenure systems.
137. On leaving office he argued that the top level of the civil service needed an injection of fresh blood.
138. In theory, the civil service is the non-political arm of the executive.
139. In-depth analysis of all aspects of public sector management including civil service, health and education, local government and parastatal organizations.
140. Often cocculus tunbergii pledge school besides Cornell, in doctor supplies on basic does not succeed in the imperial civil service examination system.
141. Place the external, for the civil service Guanshu left and right for the military attache Guanshu(, fully demonstrated the centralized Haohao momentum.
142. The Government monitors closely the turnover in the Civil Service for manpower planning purposes.
143. Kennedy, a federal civil service employee, was fired after accusing his superior of illegal activities.
144. "We both took early retirement because of ill-health and live on our local government and civil service pensions, plus incapacity benefits - all of which are paid in pounds, " says George.
145. The Supreme Court invalidated a Civil Service Commission rule banning resident aliens from government employment.
146. So, President Harrison suspended the civil service laws that protected postal workers.
147. Beijing: The last bastion of China's famous "iron rice bowl" system of lifetime employment —the civil service —has been breached.
148. Grand pianos became a currency or sorts as pauperized members of the civil service elites traded the symbols of their old status for a sack of potatoes and a side of bacon.
149. Sha Tesha Law Texarkana Bank chief economist John Keith commented that a major focus of these measures is to pay 15% of the national civil service.
150. India is a young country, but its civil service is much older than the rest of the country.
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